KFLA Public Health reports no new COVID-19 cases since Saturday

Beaver Staff

According to KFLA Public Health, there have been no new COVID-19 cases since last Saturday.

As of Friday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., their website lists 21 active cases in the community, with the total number of cases since the pandemic began holding at 105, with 84 people having recovered with no deaths in the community. Earlier in the week there was one person being treated in the ICU, but they have since been released from hospital.

Since the start of the pandemic, KFLA Public Health has tested 28,040 people, with 0.4 per cent of those returning as positive. Across Ontario 1,636,171 have been tested with a rate of 2.2 per cent coming back positive.

KFLA remains under ‘yellow’ status, the second of the four stage colour system. That means the risk of community spread is low and they are tracking fewer than two outbreaks. Masks remain mandatory for all public indoor settings.

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