KFLA Public Health reported 81 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, marking the first time the daily count has been under 100 in two weeks.
The number of active cases is now at 1,539.
There was one new outbreak and two new hospitalizations (1 previous case discharged).
The age break down of the latest cases are: Under 5 (three), 5-11 (five), 12-17 (four), 18-29 (42), 30s (10), 40s (four), 50s (eight), 60s (four), 70s (one) close contact (eight),
Methods of infections were: under investigation (71), outbreak related (1), travel (1).
The following is a press release from Public Health:
With record COVID-19 case numbers and worrisome daily case counts that are likely to continue for weeks, KFL&A residents are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and reduce close contacts.
The new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, has quickly become the most common variant in the KFL&A region. It is more easily spread with close contact than the Delta variant. COVID-19 vaccinations will help to protect limited health care resources—two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine provide some protection against symptoms and good protection against serious disease. A third dose of the vaccine boosts the immune response to the virus further reducing the risk of symptoms, severe disease, and hospitalization.
“Thousands of individuals have not yet been vaccinated or exposed to COVID-19 in previous waves. For them this is still a novel virus, and they will inevitably be exposed to Omicron given how quickly it spreads and how transmissible it is,” said Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health at KFL&A Public Health. “The most important measures to keep our community safe are to get vaccinated and to reduce close contacts with those outside of your household.”
We anticipate that Omicron and COVID-19 will persist in the community throughout the regular respiratory season, so these enhanced, short-term public health measures are meant to slow the virus and lessen the serious consequences of the disease especially among vulnerable populations. These public health measures will not make the virus go away during the rest of the respiratory season (i.e., October to April).
KFL&A residents are strongly encouraged to adhere to the enhanced local and provincial public health measures. We must continue to practice behaviours to slow the spread of COVID-19.
- Stay home and get tested for COVID-19 if you have any symptoms.
- Get vaccinated by booking an appointment through KFL&A Public Health’s online vaccine clinic tool. When eligible, get a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine in any approved combination.
- Gather virtually, if possible.
- Reduce close contacts and limit social gatherings to 10 or less people. The less people who gather, the lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
- Mask and physical distance if gathering indoors with people from other households and when it feels right for you, especially if you or others are immunocompromised or at high-risk of severe disease or exposure to COVID-19.
It is important to remember that knowing someone doesn’t reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
We have come a long way in this fight. We want to thank everyone for following public health measures to protect yourself, each other, and your community. We are in this together, let’s continue to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep KFL&A strong and safe.
For the most up to date information visit Kflaph.ca/Coronavirus or COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario.