KFLA Public Health reported 19 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday with seven recoveries to place the active case count in the region at 121.
The latest cases involve a female age 18-29 Close Contact (CC) a female age 18-29, Under Investigation (UI), two females in their 30s CC, a female in her 40s, CC, a female in her 50s, UI, a male under 10, CC, three males age 18-29, UI, a male age 18-29 CC, a male age 18-29 Outbreak-related (OB), a male in his 30s, OB, a male in his 40s, CC, a male in his 40s, UI two males in their 50s CC, a male in his 50s OB and a male in his 70s, UI.
Thirteen new variants of concern have been identified in previously known cases and two previously known cases have been listed as health care workers.
Since the start of the pandemic there have been 1,370 total cases in KFLA, 1,247 of which have been resolved and two deaths. Two people are currently listed as being in a local ICU, one of which requires a ventilator.