Greater Napanee to lift total burn ban on May 15

Beaver Staff

Greater Napanee residents eager to have their first bonfire of the season won’t have to wait too much longer.

Effective May 15, Greater Napanee Emergency Services will downgrade the current total burn ban to a partial burn ban. 

That will allow residents to light and maintain a campfire of no more than 60 cm in width by 60 cm in height, used for cooking, warmth and/or recreational enjoyment. Permits allow these fires to be held two hours before sunset until two two hours after sunrise; daytime burning restrictions are now in effect. An open-air burning permit is required for all open-air burning in Greater Napanee. Permits can be obtained online through the Town’s website, on its ‘Burn Bans, Permits & Open Air Burning’ page. Permits are currently free of charge and are valid for 365 calendar days from the date they are filed. 

To continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the town asks the public to refrain from having guests, neighbours or family over for all campfires. The order issued by the Province of Ontario limiting social gatherings to five people or less is still in effect and must be practiced by all Greater Napanee residents to help flatten the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak. For more information on this partial burn ban, call the Emergency Services department at 613-354-4289.

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