Greater Napanee seeking input regarding surplus land next to J.J. O’Neill

The highlighted area was once considered to be surplus land and was under consideration to be sold by Greater Napanee to the ALCDSB. At their Feb. 27 meeting, council voted not to sell the land.

Adam Prudhomme

Greater Napanee is inviting the public to offer their comments on the Dorito-shaped plot of surplus land directly adjacent J.J. O’Neill Catholic School.

The Algonquin Lakeshore Catholic District School Board (ALCDSB) has expressed interest in purchasing the land with the intent that it be converted into a parking lot to help with the flow of traffic following the school’s expansion project. At its Jan. 30 meeting, council deferred a decision on the matter to Feb. 27, opting to first gather input from the public. There are some residents in the area who have previously expressed their desire to see the town convert the space to a public park. The land was originally declared surplus in July of 2022.

Those who would like to present written comments to council, or register to speak as a deputation at the Feb. 27 meeting, may contact the clerk by email at, in person at 99 Advance Avenue, or complete an online deputation request form. All comments submitted to the clerk by noon on Tuesday, Feb. 20 will be included in the council agenda. Additional comments may be submitted up until noon on Feb. 27 and published as a late addition to the agenda.

The town notes seating capacity at Town Hall is limited to 25 people, and that where five or more deputations are registered on the same topic, council may limit the speaking time to two minutes per person in order to allow for sufficient time to address all town business.

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