Driver charged with impaired after vehicle enters ditch

The Lennox and Addington (L&A) County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has charged a driver with impaired driving.

On March 17,  just after 7 p.m., officers were dispatched to a report of a vehicle in the ditch on County Road 4 in Stone Mills Township. Officers attended the scene and spoke to the driver, who was subsequently arrested and transported to detachment for further testing.

A 40-year-old of Stone Mills Township, Ontario, was charged with:

  • Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs
  • Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Greater Napanee on April 4, 2023. Their licence was suspended for 90 days, and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.

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