Derek Sloan: Why I voted against Bill C-6

On October 28th, 2020, I was among a small number of Parliamentarians to vote against the government-led Bill C-6, which seeks to criminalize several actions in relation to the provision of what is commonly referred to as “conversion therapy”.

It might be asked why one would vote against this bill? In fact, there are many reasons, some of them offered to me by people in the LGBTQ community who expressed concerns to me once the bill had been introduced into the House of Commons. I have primarily concerned myself with arguments relating to the rapid increase in gender dysphoria in children, and how C-6 will possibly accelerate this.

The basic crux of this argument is that gender dysphoria amongst kids is increasing at a tremendous rate (in the UK for example a 1000% increase in boys, and an incredible 4400% increase for girls). There are speculations as to why – some scientists have postulated that in part, social dynamics are in play – for example if a child in your daughter’s class comes out as transgendered, your daughter is more likely to do so as well. We also know from reliable data that most children (some studies say 80% some 90%, but most at least) will grow out of their dysphoria by adulthood. In other words, they will be happy with their body. Some will identify as gay, and others as straight. Bill C-6 requires that children be only affirmed in their gender dysphoria. This will undoubtedly result in many more kids being medically and potentially surgically transitioned with hormone treatments and invasive surgeries.

During my comments on in the House of Commons on Bill C-6 it was apparent that most MP’s were entirely unaware of many legitimate concerns various Canadian groups have raised about C-6.

In fact, leading up to C-6, the only e-mails I received on C-6 were those who were concerned about it. And these were not religious fanatics either. I received an email from Rose, a lesbian, who noted that “75% of trans identifying will grow up to be gay or lesbian if not affirmed and medically transitioned. Please look at the growing scandal in the UK regarding the rampant homophobia driving gender clinics to affirm trans identified children and place them on cross sex hormones and on the path to other life altering medical decisions…”

I also received an email from Madeline, an organizer at We The Females, a network of 400 Canadian women who are concerned about Bill C-6. She notes that “in the past, health organizations and clinics working with gender-questioning youth have engaged in what is called ‘watchful waiting’ due to the repeated finding that the overwhelming majority of children (80-95%) no longer wish to transition after puberty…With the risk of criminal indictment that comes with this Bill, many health professionals may stop doing what they were trained to do, and instead allow the distressed minor to be in charge of treatment, even if this includes the surgical removal of healthy organs.”

In Parliament, federal Liberals pride themselves on being “progressive” and ahead of the curve on this issue, when in fact they are behind. Many European jurisdictions have already been down the “affirmation only” approach, and several are now backing off. The UK recently introduced legislation to ban any surgical gender transition operations for minors under the age of 18, due to the evidence that many kids will “grow out” of these feelings related to gender dysphoria. The UK’s National Health Service has also undertaken a study to examine why so many young girls are being prescribed puberty blockers and cross hormones – drugs that will permanently sterilize these girls and change their development.

These are wise questions, and Canada should be asking them as well. I recently sponsored a Petition by a Trans-Identifying person named Jenn Smith. Jenn who was born a male but presents as a female; is adamantly against the medical and surgical transitioning of kids. Jenn has good reason to believe children in the foster care system are being medically transitioned at rates many times that of the general population. Jenn wants a national inquiry into why. I agree with Jenn on this.

But of course, instead of doing a national inquiry, or doing what the UK has done, which is to ban surgical transition for minors, our government, and many of our parliamentarians are intent on patting themselves on the back, and calling people like myself bigoted and homophobic. We’re beginning to see the fallout of young adults who transitioned and now regret it. Without a change, I expect this to avalanche.

Good intentions do not necessarily make a good Bill. What the Liberals say a bill will do, is not necessarily reality. It is the duty of every parliamentarian to debate and discuss legislation, and if the nuts and bolts of even well-intended legislation is faulty, it is their duty to vote against it.

That is what I did. For now and for our children. To learn more in-depth information about my concerns towards C-6, I direct constituents to visit my official website where they will find the following information:

-Derek Sloan, MP of Hastings-Lennox and Addington 

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