The following is a statement by the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital:
With the return to school and return to work there is an higher number of people who are seeking COVID testing at the Lennox & Addington Assessment Centre. We have heard through LACGH patient feedback that it is frustrating, particularly when feeling ill, to arrive at the Centre only to wait in long line-ups or even be asked to come back later. Ontario Health’s Recommendations for COVID-19 Assessment Centres states that “booking people for appointments where possible can increase efficiency and decrease the time that patients spend at the assessment centre.” As such, and because registration can be completed virtually, the Lennox & Addington Assessment Centre COVID swabs will only be available by appointment and will not be available through a walk-in visit.
The Assessment Center is located at 310 Bridge St. W, Napanee and appointments can be booked between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., including on weekends. To make an appointment please call 613-354-8254. The appointment line has a voicemail service, if you leave a message your call will be returned with an appointment time for your COVID swab. An FAQ sheet is available on the LACGH website with additional information.