Christmas isn’t cancelled

In the Beaver’s opinion piece of Dec. 10, 2020, the editor wrote of how this year’s Christmas is going to be very different from other years.  He said that many of the traditions we value will have to be put aside for the common good this year.  The column read: “While Christmas will look different this year, that doesn’t mean it’s completely cancelled either.”
I have heard several people musing about how ‘Christmas is cancelled’ this year, and that they are very sad about it.
I offer a different perspective.  Although many of us may miss the parties, the travelling, the gift-giving, the wonderful meals around a table laden with rich food, these are just the trappings we have developed to commemorate a special event.  Christmas cannot be cancelled because the story of the birth of Christ is eternal.  Christmas cannot be cancelled because Christ will be born among us anyway, no matter what we do or don’t do.
The Moderator of The United Church of Canada, Richard Bott, had this to say in response:  “It is impossible to cancel Christmas.  Christmas is celebrated each time a disciple of Jesus lives love.  Christmas isn’t an event.  Christmas *is*.”
Rev E Kellogg
Grace United Church, Napanee
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