Celebrating the return of community holiday traditions

Christmas was in the air of the Newburgh Public School on Saturday as the curtain rose to signify the start of the 43rd annual Community Christmas Concert.

After being relegated to online shows the last two holiday seasons it was great to be able to gather again for an in-person viewing. As always the cast didn’t disappoint giving the audience everything they’ve come to expect. Comedy, singing, a nice reminder of what the holidays are about-and of course, grown men squeezed into tights that are much like the Grinch’s heart-two or three sizes too small.

Though normally calling something an ‘amateur production’ would have negative connotations, in this case it’s endearing. The fact that the variety show is done by friends and neighbours who do this annual event strictly as a labour of love is just part of its charm, which still shines bright after four decades.

To try and explain the show to an outsider would be a hopeless cause. It’s something that needs to be seen to really be appreciated. This reporter can still remember first being assigned to cover this particular event. Then editor Seth DuChene described something to the effect of it being ‘one of the more fun events on the weekend calendar.’ As it turned out, he was right. Two lessons were learned that December day for a then cub reporter though-always check the map before you go because though Newburgh may be small, the school is well hidden. The second lesson-always be early for the Community Concert or risk being turned away at the door. Fortunately there was a second show and this reporter was there all the earlier for the evening show.

Since then attending the event has become a tradition in its own right, now one shared with a six-year-old assistant reporter. She first attended as a three-year-old but then had to miss out the last two years. She too will gladly attest to how much better it was being there in person.

Following the afternoon performance it was off to attend another holiday tradition, this time the Greater Napanee Parade of Lights. This marked the first time both events fell on the same weekend as the Community Christmas Concert was pushed up a week this year. Though it made things a little tight trying to get home for a quick dinner before rushing off to the next event, it was all worth it. Early morning high winds and pouring rain did cast some doubt as to whether or not the parade would even take place but fortunately St. Nick was able to work his magic and all things considered, it was a nice night to be under the bright lights waiting for the floats to arrive. A nice mix of purple on the floats among the red and green in honour of long-time parade commentator Elsie Dowdle was a nice touch as well.

After having to make due the last couple of Decembers, it’s certainly nice to have the option of experiencing local holiday traditions in person once again.

-Adam Prudhomme

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