
Moving on, moving up, moving out

Laurie Snider Notes from the Nest The storm clouds were gathering just off in the southern distance. Bright flashes of lightening lit up the dusky sky and the smell of…

Finding time to read aloud

Catherine Coles Coles Notes Reading aloud to children is a great way to create a sense of connection. Research shows that not only do both kids and parents enjoy read-aloud…

Bocce, the quintessential lawn game

Laurie Snider Notes from the Nest On the day of the tournament, the sun was shining brightly in a sky that was the colour, that if I was picking out…

August’s staff picks

Catherine Coles Coles Notes The staff of the County of L&A Libraries are avid readers and always eager to share their favourite books. Here we bring you a list of some of the…

Revisiting the summer’s top reads

Catherine Coles Coles Notes Every once in a while this column will feature a list of the most popular books currently circulating at the library. Now that we’ve reached the…

What’s new in true crime

Catherine Coles Coles Notes True Crime is not for everyone and that is understandable. Naysayers, however, should consider that the genre has been elevated in recent years. I’ll Be Gone…

Books on the small screen

Catherine Coles Coles Notes Thanks to the many television network adaptations available through cable or streaming services, it’s easier than ever these days to experience your favourite books in a…

In search of icy giants in the sea

Laurie Snider Notes from the Nest On Day 2 of our recent trip to Newfoundland, we were up just after 5 a.m. and out the door by 6, as we…

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