Beaver Staff
Quinte Conservation says that, although water levels on the Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario have been on a steady decline, a flood warning will remain in effect for the next month.
“Water levels on Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte have declined over 30 centimetres since the lake peaked on May 29; however, they are still significantly high for this time of year. Lake Ontario water levels are expected to decline over the summer and into the fall,” said Quinte Conservation Water Resources Manager Christine McClure, who has been monitoring reports from the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board.
The conservation authority reminds shoreline residents that any work near the water will require a permit from Quinte Conservation and should call the office or visit the website for more information. Quinte Conservation staff can provide advice on shoreline protection.
“Shoreline erosion is possible due to high water levels combined with strong winds and waves. We remind residents that any work along the shoreline requires a permit from Quinte Conservation. Our staff are available to visit properties and assist with recommendations for shoreline protection options,” added McClure.
Quinte Conservation says its staff will be monitoring conditions closely.
A flood warning means flooding is imminent or already occurring in specific watercourses or municipalities. Municipalities and individuals should take action to deal with flood conditions. This may include road closures and evacuations.
The warning will be in effect until (or updated before) Sept. 12, 2017.
Earlier this summer, the OPP and the Town of Greater Napanee advised boaters to watch their speeds in the Bay of Quinte in order to protect properties from excessive wakes and erosion.