After several weeks of observing the intersections at Bridge and West streets, Bridge and Centre streets, and Dundas Street and Alma Avenue, I feel compelled to share my observations to bring about change before someone is seriously injured or worse.
It is my understanding that a traffic study was done on the intersections of Bridge and Centre and Dundas and Alma. As a result of this study, a decision was made to remove the advanced green lights from both locations. This study was done just before the ‘big dig’.
I am pleading that L&A County council reconsiders this decision as this study did not consider the impact the big dig on Dundas would have on traffic in these ares, nor did it consider the changes made in 2016 at the intersection of Belleville Road, West Street, and Bridge Street.
The impact of the loss of the advanced green light at Centre and Bridge has resulted in traffic being backed up from Centre Street as far as Robinson Street at times. This has created a nightmare at the already busy five-way intersection.
This intersection is also the sight of a school crossing. It worries me to see the crossing guard struggling on a daily basis to assist children across the road. Once I observed a car travelling north on West Street stop for a crossing guard. Another driver swerved around the first car into the intersection, narrowly missing the children crossing. Put simply, it is not safe.
There are so many issues with this intersection it amazes me that there are not more accidents. The removal of the stop sign on east-bound Bridge Street has increased speeds and made this intersection a huge safety concern.
At the Bridge/Centre and Dundas/Alma intersections, typically only one car can turn left on a green light. When frustrated drivers get impatient, some choose to make dangerous decisions instead of waiting their turn. Perhaps, it’s time for council to reconsider before someone gets hurt.
A number of Napanee residents I have talked to have shared these concerns. Some have even contacted the town and the county in hopes of change. Hopefully our pleas will not fall on deaf ears.
Jane McGarvey,
Greater Napanee