Committee comes together for new refugee effort
About five years ago, St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church and others in the community rallied to sponsor a group of eight Congolese refugees and to help them start new lives…
Caring For L&A Families And Children
All Smiles For LACGH Fund
Council receives speed study for Bridge Street
By Adam Prudhomme Staff Reporter Residents of Bridge Street hoping to have the speed limit lowered from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 km/h may be out of luck. Speaking…
Land claim panel makes local stop
By Adam Prudhomme Staff Reporter Members of Parliament, including Hastings-Lennox and Addington MP Mike Bossio, met with Tyendinaga Mohawk council on Friday during a cross-country trip as they begin negotiations…
Local man tries ‘Run For Gord’
By Seth DuChene Editor Joseph Reid, who later this month will attempt to complete the Toronto Marathon without training and while wearing garb identical to that worn by Gord Downie…
New leader has big job ahead
Popular opinion polls this week showed Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives neck-and-neck — with the up-until-now leaderless NDP trailing in a distant third. This is the NDP that…
Staff Picks: The Sun is Also A Star
By Catherine Coles Coles Notes Caitlyn Baker, a student page at the County of Lennox and Addington Libraries’ Napanee Branch, recently enjoyed The Sun is also a Star by Nicole…
Staying in to write ‘Tea for Two’
By Glen R. Goodhand Musical Memories ‘Tea for Two ‘grossed a half-million dollars for Vincent Youmans and Irving Caesar, mainly as a result of its featured place in the musical…