Letters to the Editor

Government mandate is not democracy

I am very pleased to see that you recognize the inherently false claims, from Canadian MSM, that the popular truckers “Convoy for Freedom” has not resulted in empty shelves at…

Embrace fairness

Over the past few years we have witnessed the Federal Government paying millions of dollars to individuals with questionable reputations, as a result of federal mistakes. The two “Michaels”, with…

Mayor Isbester rescued resident in need

Marg Isbester has been good for Napanee. She gets things done. She came to my rescue shortly after becoming mayor. I had emailed her regarding erosion of ditch on left…

Lacking supports at Interval House

I don’t know if anyone can understand the strength and courage it takes to up and leave an abusive relationship, unless you have been through it. Imagine though, being stretched…

A commuters Autumn in Napanee

To see the fog, lift off the Napanee river is like watching your soul dance out in front of your body As I glance over on a red light the…

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